Become an emotionally
healthy Christian

Christian Emotional Freedom Techniques
Inner Healing

Imagine your life free from fear, self-condemnation, depression, anger, anxiety and illness. No more clutter, procrastination, distractions, feeling stuck and overwhelmed. It's time to start tearing down those non-spiritual strongholds and release every negative thought or self-defeating behavior that's taken up residence in our being. We can start living the life we yearn for and imagine right now.


"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
~ Ephesians 2:10

Living a life of purpose and meaningful achievement requires courage, discipline and focus. It's not easy. However, it is possible-and worth far more than the effort and sacrifice invested. Unfortunately, most people are trapped in a box, walled in by anxieties, negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and damaged emotions that keep them from living the life God intends for them.

There is a way for each of us to achieve the emotional wellness essential to making needed changes that empower us to live a life of purpose. We really can live in line with God's unique plan for each of us with peace of mind and authentic joy right now-right where we are- and journey into a brighter future.

CEFT Inner Healing

God wants us to acknowledge our past, hurts and weaknesses, so that we can be strong in Him. Christian Emotional Freedom Techniques (CEFT) Inner Healing helps us acknowledge our past hurts and weaknesses, even when we don't remember them. God does not want us to stay in our failures, but to be healed. CEFT Inner Healing helps uncover emotions and beliefs that prevent us from embracing the healing that Christ offers. Christ is our healer. He is always with us, ready to heal. It's only our fear, in whatever emotional form it takes, that acts to keep us from His presence and block us from receiving Christ's healing.

Acknowledging God and the belief that we have this or that issue, negative thought, ungodly trait or self-defeating behavior is the first step. Such acknowledgment calms the emotional center of our brain, so that we do not sit in the discomfort, fear or anxiety and feel free to release it and move on.

As in Matthew 26:75, when Peter disowned Jesus three times, Jesus wasn't surprised at the failure. Similarly, Jesus is not surprised or disappointed when we fail. He understands a willing spirit, however weak the flesh. Weakness isn't the core hurdle. It's our unwillingness to acknowledge the weakness, wound or hurt.

The thought of going to an inner unknown place makes us fearful. CEFT Inner Healing calms and allows us to face and surrender fears with no tears, shame, guilt or anger.

CEFT Inner Healing is a scriptural-based technique that provides Christian-based solutions to real life challenges. When CEFT is learned and used in combination with biblical principles, it sets us free of everything from unpleasant memories to uncomfortable emotions to the aftermath of traumatic events. We don't want to embrace and hold onto anything that is damaging mind, body and soul.

Specific Benefits

CEFT Inner Healing enables the spiritual and emotional work that clears the way to:

  • Feel God's grace
  • Release negative thoughts and emotions, ungodly beliefs, and self-defeating behavior
  • Break free of the restraints holding back today's experience of goodness and freedom
  • End emotions tied to emotional eating
  • Overcome challenges, barriers and strangleholds
  • Release negative self-talk, stress, worry, anger and distractions
  • Reframe thoughts from negative to positive
  • Be healed from bodily tension that creates physical pain
  • Rediscover our Christly identity
  • Identify and remove hindrances to our life path walking with God
  • Embrace our real identity and true potential
  • Move into the space of receiving God's vision for our life

As we look at our life, and acknowledge that our negative events aren't the problem, but our perception of them is, we learn to let them go. We give God our disappointments, fear, anger. We know we are strong in Him. Then working with the CEFT Inner Healing process brings us to the realization where we know that God loves, forgives and accepts who we are as God's child. This finalizes the inner healing process.

Buried Feelings Never Die

"Cast your cares upon Him."
~ 1 Peter 5:7

As long as we stuff our feelings and hold them in the dark, they won't heal. The Bible instructs us to cast our cares upon the Lord because he cares for us. We need to include Him in our struggles, lay our burden at His feet and carry a song away. Jesus was aware of human foibles and showed us the way to victory. He wants to be a part of what we're going through. He wants to be right there by our side, acknowledged as our helper, when we're facing weaknesses and hardships.

As human beings we like to be in control and convince God he's not needed. We can't fool God. It's always best to be honest with Him about what we are facing and include Him in working it through.

Through applying CEFT Inner Healing, we can release the negative emotions we've been holding inside. This permits us to feel thanksgiving in our heart and realize what Christ has done for us. Healing often comes first as a feeling. Expressing gratitude for such a priceless gift comes naturally.

This leads the way to forgive those who wronged us. Our heart opens as compassion and empathy flow though. No more ruminating reminders about how he or she has done us wrong. Once the CEFT Inner Healing process releases the root, we can give it up to the Lord and have no interest in picking it up again. Leave it on the cross at his feet. Why should we carry something that Christ has already carried for us on the cross? The negative charge has dissipated; the hurt is gone.

Soul-Deep Release

"Casting down vain imaginations."
~ 2 Corinthians 10:5

Anxiety is a form of fear, the adversary's favorite tool, seconded by discouragement. To the contrary, when we put our trust in God, a tremendous amount of healing can take place, accompanied by deep-seated peace.

Fear works to keep us holding onto what we try to release into Jesus's hands. As anxiety is shed, we start to see that God has our best interest in mind; this paves the way to being able to trust Him with all the great and small concerns in our life. God's fondest desire is to care for us.

With CEFT's inner healing technique we will find the root of our rejection with God's help. No matter what or how it happened, we will come to a place where we know God loves us dearly and has our best interest in mind. If anyone has a hard time believing that God is good towards them, let's work together to release believing the enemies lie that God is angry with His child, doesn't love His child, and any child is not worthy of God's loving presence. God sees all, knows all and still looks favorably on His precious little one.


"I will give Thanks to you Lord."
~ Psalm 9:1

Be thankful for Jesus carrying our sorrows-another key to a breakthrough. If we choose to carry our own sorrows, it's usually because we don't really realize or believe this or haven't taken the time to think about or understand all that Jesus did. Anytime we seriously look at what Christ does for us, it's impossible not to be thankful for a gift so lovingly purchased for us. Being thankful makes us eager to avail ourself of the blessing.

Identity in Christ

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
~ 2 Corinthians 5:17

The open door to realizing healing for damaged emotions is accepting God's view. God reveals Himself to us and is the fountain of health and deliverance; God is NOT the source of problems!

Blaming God for a problem raises an invisible wall of His present healing power from flowing into our mind and emotions. When we exercise freewill to blame God, we are pushing God away. It is important that our freewill allows His work and does not blame Him for a bad thing that's happened to us. It is important to realize that God is for us, and never against us. He desires to see everyone healed and restored to wholeness.

Break the Cycle

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
~ Romans 8:1

God longs to see each of us living in the joy and freedom that He promises in His Word. We too can live a victorious Christian life.

Dee Whitaker will show you how with a unique biblically based approach and techniques she uses to help set the captives free of false beliefs. Clients see and feel benefits after their first session. Many are learning to release living in the shadows of past failures and unhealthy emotional patterns and taking charge of their thoughts, actions and future.

Call Dee Whitaker at 919-622-5183 or email: to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation.

Sessions available in office, over Skype, Zoom, Facetime or by phone.


Disclaimer: Please remember EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological care. Please consult your own personal physician for these issues.